Yi-Yang Lin

(+1) 206-355-2065
yiyanglin0102@gmail.com Send me Email


Boston University
   M.S. in Computer Science
  • GPA: 3.52 / 4.00
  • Courses: Advanced Programming Techniques, Biometrics, Computer Language Theory, Graduate Operating Systems, Health Informatics, Health Information Systems, Mobile Application Development with Android, Server- Side Web Development, Software Design and Patterns, Web Application Development
University of Wisconsin-Madison
   B.S. in Computer Science
  • Advanced Major GPA: 3.41/4.0
  • Courses: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Calculus, Building User Interfaces, CS Education, Computer Engineering, Computer Graphics, Data Programming, Data Structure, Database Management Systems, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Machine Organization, Software Engineering


Google LLC
   Engineering Intern in Pixel RF Software Engineering
  • Designed Python Script for connecting C++ Configuration files, inputting to signaling equipment
  • Implemented infrastructure tools Piper, google3, Critique for designing Python Script, connecting input data for Pixel RF testing equipment
  • Utilized SQL querying data from Spanner database to generate combo key data structures
Intel Corporation (INTC)
  • Tested OSI Physical Layer of Wireless Adapter Driver (Bluetooth/WiFi) with Microwave Analyzer in WCS Lab
  • Implemented and Maintained Hardware or Software Regression Automation Validation Tools
  • Intel Wireless Adapter Driver Validation
Computer Science Learning Center at UW-Madison
  • Discussed with tutors in educational pedagogy and general teaching practices with in weekly seminars.
  • Tutored 50+ students on CS course programming projects in Java and discuss tutoring improvement with staff.
  • Recorded YouTube video demonstrating Makefile instructions, helping students understand concepts in programming class.


Programming Languages
Assembly, C / C++, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, Python, PHP, Scripting Languages, SQL, TypeScript, Kotlin
HTML, CSS, XML, Sass, Vue.js, React.js, React Native, three.js, node.js, netlify, Bootstrap, PHP, AWS, GCP
Agile, CLI Shell, Firebase, GCP, Git, Jira, Json, LaTeX, Makefile, MVC, Selenium, SQL Server, Unit Testing, Unix / Linux

Technical Projects & Software Tools

Voice User Interface: Virtual assistant agent, allows user to request navigations,purchasing products by asking virtual assistant agent.

Mobile User Interface: iOS/Android app, designed a fitness tracking mobile app in react native, expo, and RESTful APIs, storing health information on API server.

User Interface: React app, online course selection system, implemented rating and course recommendation system based on user interests.

Intel xVT Team: Web crawler, automatically report suspected bugs from daily regression and deliver to code develop teams.

Intel xVT Team: Sum up each station analysis to a final report, detected file dependencies and combined by configuring CSV, XML, file structure.

Intel xVT Team: Maintaining WiFi driver analysis validation report history in mirror servers.

Intel WCS: Wrote a doc for Testing environment setup, downloading default testing OS Windows from Intel’s servers around the earth.

Operating Systems: Created a command line interpreter, having C functions to read executables in built-in commands, read parallel commands by &, redirection > .

Software Engineering:Web application helps user with outfit decision by uploading physical clothing pictures into firebase virtual wardrobe, created an AI background removal feature with remove.bg API by modified Google cloud functions.

Database Management Systems: Structured top of pages from I/O Layer by B+ tree structure, utilized indices stored data in file on disk, creating a disk image of the index file.

Machine Organization and Programming: Imported system calls sbrk, malloc, free, to dynamically manage heap memory using next-fit placement policy.

Computer Graphics: Interactive graphic website using THREE.js for creating 3D animations and applying Bezier curve to structure object’s motion, manipulated camera views.

Artificial Intelligence: Applied BFS algorithm to search target in 2D maze, added successors to the queue that implements the frontier set for searching method.

Database Management Systems: Query optimization improved performance more than 98% by implementing index, instance, pre-defined table, sub-query.

Data Structure: Meal database system with GUI, food choice analysis.

Honors & Awards

Intel WIFI xVT Regression Team Conference

UW CS. Against 150+ software engineering project proposals.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Leadership & Extracurricular Activity

BRIDGE International Peer Mentor Program

Wisconsin Union Badger Market at Medical Science

BETTER Cup Rental System - student startup at National Taiwan University